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How do I become a christian and can I if I am GLBT?

First off you actually need to understand that you need Christ. Adam ate the apple and disobeyed God knowing full well what would happen. He condemned us to physical and spiritual death. Some one who was also innocent aka without sin had to pay the penalty for that sin. What is sin? It is anything you feel guilty or bad about. It is everything you have ever done wrong from the time you were born until the time you die.

God the Father loved us so much that He gave us His only begotten Son so that who ever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.. His Son Jesus Christ willingly died for our sins. God raised Him up on the third day as a testimony to the fact that we too will have everlasting life and will one day be resurrected as well.

Now to be saved you have to ask Christ to forgive your sins then ask Christ to come live in your heart and be your savior. You have to believe that He can do this for you.

Pray with me now:

Dear Heavenly Father thank you for sending your only Son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for all my sins and all the things I have ever done wrong. Please come live in my heart and help me to grow in you. Thank you Lord for accepting me as your Child.

Just asking Him to live in your heart is not enough. You also need to grow and learn about God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit which comes to live in you when you accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

You do that by reading the bible and going to church and practicing what you read in the bible. You practice the principles in it. Not everything is going to appropriate for our culture today, but the principles behind the words do not change. They stay the same.

As a GLBT Christian you are going to be in for a battle. I won't lie to you about it. It won't be easy. More often then not you are going to have other conservative Christians tell you that you are not truly a Christian unless you give everything up like your being GLBT. Don't listen to them. You're just a baby right now and your only job is to pray, read the bible, practice what you read and go to church.

Yes some day God might ask you to give things up. Christ asked some rich men to sell everything and follow Him. The apostles gave everything up and followed Him. But Christ also provided for them. He made sure they had everything they needed. Not wanted but what they needed. He will provide for all your needs. Not your wants but your needs. I can not promise you it will be a easy life. Christ did not promise us freedom from problems. He did promise to help us with temptations. Temptations are things that you want to do that are wrong. You know without a doubt that they are wrong and not good for you or others. But nothing you give up for Him will not be replaced with something much better. You won't see it right away but when you look back you will know it was the best possible course for you. Everything we give up in this life for Him, He promises to return to us tenfold in the next life.

When you do sin and you will after all we are not Christ ask Him to forgive you and just try again. Falling is normal and you will do a lot of it as a baby Christian.

I will ask that you refrain from having sex outside of marriage or at least use protection. I would prefer you keep yourselves blameless until you find that special person in your life. STD's are back with a vengeance and are antibiotic resistant so be careful.

I envy you who have taken this step to a new life in Christ. IT is a grand adventure. One you will be glad you went on. God Bless you.

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