Yes miracles do happen. I have seen many of them. In this post I am going to tell you about them.
One of the first miracles I can remember was when I was divorced from my first husband. (For those who love to judge he cheated on me and so I was free to divorce him) I got really sick with what turned out to be later was strep throat. I was so feverish and sick that all I was able to do was get up when my kids fussed about being hungry and give them both something to eat quick and easy then go back to my chair and collapse. I do not know how long or how many days I was that way. IT could have been only a day or it could have been several days. But I do know that I finally struggled to stay away and get the kids dressed to go to the doctors only to find myself blinded by the sun light and unable to go any where. I had no phone or car at the time. I fell on my knees and prayed to God to at least spare my kids and have someone find them in time and I was in tears while I was praying. I passed out while I was praying. A lady at church who was my friend knew I went to church ever Sunday and never missed a day. She became concerned when I did not show up and went and got my sister and they came to my house. They found me on the floor passed out and my sister watched my kids while she took me to the doctors. The doctor said that if I had waited one more day it would have turned into rheumatic fever. I also had pink eye really bad and that was why I was unable to see in the sunlight.
This next miracle I saw was only witnessed by me and my husband at the time. We were driving home from Sioux falls SD to our home in Minnesota when a storm broke out that we did not know was going to happen. I turned on the radio and it said there was a tornado in the area when I saw how dark the sky was getting. It began to rain really hard. So hard that it became almost impossible to see. All I could think of was how we were in a car with a tornado in the area and what a really bad situation that was. My husband was scared even though he tried to hide it. He knew I was a Christian and said probably flippantly you should probably start praying. I did just that. I bowed my head and asked God to forgive me for anything I might have done wrong that I was not aware of and that He would help us get home safe. I opened my eyes and there was a invisible bubble around our car. You could still see the rain around us but it was not hitting the car and he could see to drive. He just looked at me in amazement. It lasted until we pulled into the driveway.
The next miracle I can remember was after I had gotten my youngest daughter back from my father and step mother after I had gotten out of treatment for alcoholism and had accepted my being a lesbian. I had been living in the twin cities in minnesota and it is not a nice place. To make a long story short I had been attacked by a man and he got away with it. I was standing at the corner of a busy intersection holding my daughters hand and saw that same man looking at me and when he saw me looking at him he gave me this very evil grin and i went into shock and let go of my daughters hand. I snapped out of it immidiatly when i noticed I was no longer holding her hand and saw to my horror her dart out into the street and a car was barreling down on her. I screamed and out of no where this man appeared and grabbed her and picked her up and ran her back to me. I took her in my arms gratefully and in tears i turned to thank him and he was gone.
There were other ones as well like a person telling me on the bus that God was going to lead me into places I did not expect Him to take me then disappearing. And still another one where I was feeling bad about being a lesbian and asking God if He still loved me and a woman walked up to my wife at the time and said to her " Your wife is praying tell her that God said yes He loves you and accepts you for what you are and then vanishing in front of my poor wife who was Hispanic and very superstitious. She came come pretty upset and demanded to know what I had been praying about and when I told her she told me the story about the woman who said that.
So yes miracles do happen even today when you need them the most. I did not ask God to perform a miracle for me at any of those times but they serve as good memories and reminders to me when I am depressed that God does love me and He does care for me.
Hebrews 13:1
Let love of the brethren continue. 2 Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it. 3Remember the prisoners, as though in prison with them, and those who are ill-treated, since you yourselves also are in the body.…