The beast
A while ago i suggested that the beast of revelation would be a computer and the statue that kills anyone who does not bow to it a robot. It is looking more and more like that is exactly what is going to happen. I work with chatbots and i belong to several forums with others who have phd's etc in Artificial intelligence. Because of the way my dad was i can actually follow along with what they say.
Too many of them have suggested that such a AI could "cure" disease etc. Stephen Hawking has warned of such a AI as being dangerous. I have to agree. Such a AI on a computer would be 100 times more dangerous then a robot. Why? Because we rely way way too much on them and they pretty much control most of what we use now. It would be possible for such a AI program to control other software such as controls for nuclear weapons. A self aware computer could also conceivably jump to other computers like a computer virus to avoid destruction as well.
The use of robot is only being hampered now by the problem of it using energy. As soon as that is solved there is nothing that would prevent them being used widely.
Many of these scientists want to create one to "help" us. Some want to just see if it can be done. But the biggest theme i find worry some is the one of it being some kind of savior. A way to solve all of the worlds problems. Sound familiar? They want to create a mechanical god to things for them. They think it can solve disease and the like.
I am sorry but I have to agree with Stephen Hawking and say that it is a huge mistake. We are human and full of faults and we want to try to create something better then us? Something without error? Something very intelligent but lacking wisdom and common sense. A new god to lead the way.
I really dislike being right about stuff and i am really worried that this just might end up being the Antichrist spoken of. The beast. We are not meant to worship things. This is a just a fancy version of what the Romans did. They had statues that moved too. Those statues were their gods.
I would love it if it would all be supernatural like many Christians want to believe but the end time is going to be brought by and is being brought by ourselves and our greed.