The puzzle is coming together but not enough people are going to listen.
All my life I have struggled with many things. Myself, my faults and understanding the bible especially the end times. I can not say how long we have or predict a date. no one can and those that do are being foolish as even Christ said no one but the Father knows when the end will come. I did leave out the exact wording of many of these chapters I listed so I suggest you read them to find out what I am talking about.
But I am seeing the pieces fall in place, they are snapping together with horrible clarity and no one is going to listen. IT is already started. In Rev 12 It shows the dragon going after the woman. This was Mary before Christ was born and she represents Israel. The dragon was originally Herod in Christs time but is now the Nazi's both being influenced by satan and being stopped by the earth was world war two. The earth quakes, disease and famine have started- and it is found in Matthew 12. Global warming was predicted- and you can find that in Revelation 16.
We have the technology to create statues with the breath of life as spoken of in revelations they are robots- you can find that in Revelation 13. IT says there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars in Luke 21:25. There are literally signs in the heavens and we can see them because we have powerful telecopes. In Acts 2:19 it says "And I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath, blood and fire and smoking vapor. It says the same thing as Luke 21 but adds volcanoes to the list.
In Revelation 13:18 it says "Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty-six." People say that is going to be a birthmark or everyone will have those numbers on their hands. But to get the name of the beast which turns out to be Nero you have to do a calculation. Computers do calculations.
We even have the technology to create a mark that any one can use to scan for purchases-Revelation 13. We even have the power to create the beast itself. I do not know if it will be a man that perhaps is genetically modified or even a clone, or if it will be artificial intelligence but we have technology for that as well. Even the four horseman could have been periods of time in the past or they could still be coming in the future. Also the four horse could be a result of global warming as scientists even predict that war, famine, disease and death will be the result of global warming.
The final straw snapped into place today when I realized that satan is using today's issues especially same sex marriage to divide church against church and turn peoples hearts cold as spoken of in Matthew 24. Satan also loves to stir people up using fear and lets face it glbt's make good patsies. But it has begun. I am a woman, a lesbian, disabled and a recovering alcholic. Will anyone listen to me the least of His children?