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So what if we are living in the last days?

Does this mean we should pull up everything and stop living? Stock up on goods and go hide? No because none of us knows when Christ will come. Just because I can start to see the riddle coming together does not mean you need to run around like a chicken with its head cut off. You are still in the world. You still need to go to work, take care of your family and do what God commands us to do and that is keep on preaching the gospel to all of creation. To keep on obeying His word. You need to take a deep breathe and relax and trust in God to take care of you. But it is more important then ever to make sure you are right with God and doing what He commands us to do. You need to trust God that even if it seems like everything is out of control that no matter what ultimately God is still in control.

Just keep on praying and reading His word. Trust God. Do what you have always done. Don't pack up and run to the hills. They won't protect you. Only God can and really what do you have to fear from others anyway? Can they kill you for ever? Can they keep you in pain forever? No because only one person can do that and He is on your side. Everything on this world is temporary and will eventually pass away and be replaced with new things. A new heaven and a new earth. A place where God lives with man and provides us with light.

Can you change anything by worrying anyway? Will worrying make it happen faster or go slower? Will it make it stop? No so by worrying all you are doing is hurting yourself and making it so you can not think straight.

Philippians 4

Stand Firm in the Lord

…5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all men. The Lord is near. 6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

So trust God for everything. Even if it seems like He is not there, He is. HE sees you. HE knows what is best for you. Trust in Him.

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