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My heart breaks because of some christians

It seems to be the new style of preaching hate the sinner and pound his sins into the ground. This comment is a example of what I mean:

""Love does not mean laughing and compromising on sin. Read Mathew 21:12 "And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves,". Jesus our great Lord did this to those. And he shall destroy sinners mercilessly who chose to ignore His message of repentance. All homosexuals and lesbian sinners need to repent.""

That verse is so misused. Christ was a hundred times harder on those who should have known better. IT was the Pharisees and priests which were allowing this. IT was perverting the spirit of the sacrifice which was to come from their own livestock as a sin offering. Christ was angry at them for allowing this. Yet people point to that as a excuse to be hard on sinners. IT breaks my heart to see this. They are so blind. Christ was so gentle with sinners. In John 8 it talks about how those same people brought a woman caught in adultery. It shows that Christ not only forgave her for her sins, and did not condemn her. All He said was go and sin no more. In Luke 19 it talks about Zacchaeus the Tax Collector. They were hated as much as gays,lesbians, bisexuals and transgender are today yet all Christ did was tell him that HE was going to eat at His house. Such a simple act of kindness. Eating at a sinners house. Not being afraid to be seen with them and this caused Zacchaeus to turn from his sins and become a follower of Christ.

What will it take to make other conservative Christians to wake up? What will it take to make them see that their hate and unrelenting judgmentalness is driving people away from the church?

It breaks my heart to see this and see how much damage it is causing and how they are letting Satan use their fear and hate of those that are already despised to further his goals. They are the church of Babylon of today. They are the adulteress talked about in revelations. They worship money and power. They hate any talk of global warming and the ones who do accept it refuse to see how it is caused by us. Their gospel is that God rewards us by letting us be rich by letting us be healthy. They refuse to see that the truly blessed ones are the poor and the sick. They fail to see how God richly blesses those that are poor or sick in their present life by providing for their needs and performing miracles for them. Because those are the ones who have to rely on God. They have to rely on Christ to provide for them. They have to trust God to help them. They do not see how blind, naked and helpless they truly are by being healthy and rich.

I pray that God will turn those that are truly His Children back to Him and that they will turn from their blindness and be healed.

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