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For there are eunuchs who were born that way

Matthew 19

11:But He said to them, "Not all men can accept this statement, but only those to whom it has been given. 12"For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."

I have what is known as progestin-induced virilization. It was a nice little drug that was given to women in the 1950-1960's to prevent miscarriage. I Found out from my father when I was a adult that my mother had taken it. I was literally born more male like. I have several articles on it on my facebook page under my notes. I did a lot of research into it.

Being glbt is not always black and white as some Christians would love to believe it is. Now I have had well meaning men and women some who are feminists as well tell me there is no innate difference between men and women. My father had a PhD in chemistry so I inherited his love of science. I say this to let you know that I do a lot of self research online about a wide variety of topics. Men and women are more alike then not but there are real physical differences between them and women in the brain.

My brain has some very male like characteristics. Up until I reached puberty I was good at math and science. Once I reached puberty that changed. My math and science skills went down and my verbal skills improved. I used to be more boy like as well. I was aggressive just like a boy. I got into fights, hated dolls and had no interest in having children or raising them. I climbed trees, threw rocks with a accuracy that came in handy in a stand off between me and a group of boys who had hurt my sister. I liked snakes and frogs etc. I could go on but to make a long story short. I was a total boy until I reach puberty and those wonderful female hormones set in.

After I had cancer and had everything removed I found that my ability to do math and science improved. My childhood characteristics that I had been born with returned. I understand men a lot better then I do women. I have other features that I am not going to talk about that make me different but my point is that yes you can be born glbt or chemically created that way as I was. I was always interested in girls and protected them. It is so weird because when I had female hormones to deal with I understood women better then men. Now that they are gone and my brain is back to what I had when I was born it is the opposite problem.

A lot of well meaning Christians do not like to hear me talk about these things as that implies a lack of choice about ones sexuality or gender. I have had men say well my wife was a tomboy and did this that and the other thing and part of me so wants to ask how old they are and if they knew if their mom had problems carrying babies to full term like mine did. Because those medicines did cause some very definite changes in the female babies it was stopped and taken off the market. But there are still people like me out there. My case is just one form of it. There are others who's DNA is abnormal that present either looking like one or the other. Then there are those who have Androgen insensitivity syndrome and their bodies are unable to respond to certain male sex hormones. They are genetically male but usually end up looking female.

So for those who struggle with the question of Does God love me even though I am glbt the answer is YES! Even Christ knew that people like us are born different. People love to judge and men unfortunately are not as empathetic as women. Since men are usually the ones who teach scripture it is not surprise that most deny's same sex attraction as being a normal variation of the human condition. Historically women have been seen as weaker therefore playing the women's role in sex was considered wrong and most men do not like to be forced to be put in that role. I can understand some of the struggles of those who are transgender.

Now some are going to claim that you are a lesbian because your a man hater or got abused etc etc etc. Or you are a gay man because your mother was domineering etc. Well there is a lot of women who were abused by men that still are straight so it is not a valid point. There are a lot of straight men that had bossy moms who don't run to men. Don't listen to those that use that as a excuse to try to blame shame you into fitting into their neat little pegs. Accept who you are and learn to love yourself just as God loves you. He understands us better then we understand ourselves. After HE created us. HE became one of us. HE does love you just as you are.

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