Unlikely Nobody That God uses
When it comes to being a christian I am not a very good one. I am crass, angry, I am a alcoholic, and a addict, I have a temper, and I tend to attack and harass my enemies. The only thing I have going for me is that I am able to figure things out that most others can't because what I am and how my brain is wired. I am able to think outside of the box and that is the only reason why I am seeing the things i am finally seeing in revelations now. That and that God is finally letting me see them. I guess i had to get to a place where things settled down enough so that it was quiet and i could think. But putting things together now about it all is scary. I have said and I will say again I do not like what I am seeing or putting together. I do not think Christ is going to whoosh down and take us out of the tribulation. I think we are going to go through it I also think that it is not going to look like the supernatural senerio that many last days movies and books paint. Science is going to be able to explain away it all. I also firmly believe that we are directly responsible for creating the end times and that God is letting us face the natural consequences of our own actions.I have to wonder why of all people He picks me to show it to because I am no one, I am not someone anyone is going to listen to or hear.No one is going to take anything I say serious. The fact that I am a intersex lesbian also won't win me any points. I am a total nobody. So now that I have told why I think i am a poor choice to reveal things to now I will show you what I have seen.
It is Starting now and trump unfortunately is part of it but not the way the christian leaders think. They see him as paving the path for the second coming. I see him as paving the path for the Antichrist if he does not win and that he may end up being the Antichrist if he does win. He has literally brought 2 Timothy 3 1-9 to pass and i think that it is going to continue and get worse now that he has crammed open the door.
The church has been judged via the scandals that have come to light as was predicted in 1 peter 4:17-18 The great falling away is beginning. as predicted in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-4. The man of sin has not yet been revealed for certain but the way the conservative church is acting and talking who ever this new person that upsets the rules and paves the way for the second coming turns out to be will be the man of sin not the savior they claim. The conservative church has become the Great harlot of Babylon because they worship money, power, things and have turned their back on the needy, the poor, the vulnerable. America could also be the great harlot but a whore is usual something or someone who was dear to God and then turned away. America was never really a christian nation.
Many of the things spoken of in revelations are starting. Global warming was predicted in the bible Revelation 16:8,9, Water turning to blood is happening caused by fertilizer run off and the warmer temperature and was predicted in Revelation 16:3. Diseases that are antibiotic proof are on the rise, and with increased temps crops will start to fail in the future. Even robots are predicted in the bible. Don't believe me? Read this verse for yourself and tell me if that does not sound like a robot because it does to me: Revelation 13:15 The second beast was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast, so that the image could speak and cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed.
So the pieces are all in place with more to come. Even the thing that looks like a great mountain that falls into the ocean could end up being our own screw up. How? well we do have this plan of dragging a piece of a asteroid to the moon not to mention the fact that the earth is surrounded by space junk. Christ said that the end would be like the labor of a woman with events getting stronger and closer together and that is what is happening. I can not tell you when Christ will return or when this will all finish. Only a fool will try that.I have not spoken of everything that is predicted in the end times because there are a lot of prophecies. I am just touching on enough to show you that it is happening and it is time to wake up and turn things around.