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Who the Leopard on the beast is

There are a lot end time authors that try to say germany is the one to be part of the beast but it says resembling a leopard. This is the exact verse Rev13: 2 The beast I saw resembled a leopard, but had feet like those of a bear and a mouth like that of a lion. The dragon gave the beast his power and his throne and great authority There is a growing connection between white nationalists around the world and it is a troubling trend. What is worse is that I tried to keep telling myself that i was making a big deal out of nothing. It was not the end times. I was imaging things and going crazy. Problem is that a famous Nobel laureate also see's the growing connection. This is what he says: ""Paul Krugman ‏@paulkrugman The emerging white nationalist alliance between European neo-Nazis, Russia, and Trump officials needs a name. Hmm: Axis of evil?"" .It is not germany. IT is something from germany. It is the Nazi party, the Alt Rights, the white supremacists. In revelations 12 It talks about Mary who symbolizes Israel who gave birth to Christ. It shows how the dragon tries again and again, using Christians, to wipe Israel out. The last attempt being WW2. That is when Rev 12:13-16 was fulfilled. IT is put there to give a clue to who the beast is.The beast is coming folks. Like it or not it really might be it this time. I really do not want to believe it but the signs are there. Our greatest enemies will be other Christians. At least until the beast has no further use for them.

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