Prophecies are wrong
Something I am worried about. All the so called prophecy news watches all are false news and so wrong. I am not happy about being so right about things so far.I am unsure who the beast is. If it is trump or someone more devious and smarter but the setting is definitely up now for it. I was rereading Daniel 9 where so many Christians think it applies to them but reading it and then going and looking the dates it doesn't. IT applies to the Jews only. Because everything it described as happening happened exactly as foretold.. It happen in 70 ad just when it was suppose to. The abomination that causes desolation was the destruction of the inner sanctum of their most holy of holies and the people being slaughtered. Oh the arrogance of men who always assume things are about them. Just like the foolishness of Christians who assume they will some how escape the end times. All the assumptions of how the end times are going to happen are all wrong they have it wrong. We have to follow what Christ foretold and what the new testament says. See for more information on the history of what happened.